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Aling Puring Tindahan ni Aling Puring » Aling Puring Program

Tindahan ni Aling Puring (TNAP) - Puregold’s Loyalty and Membership Program for Resellers

  • TNAP is a customized program made especially for Puregold’s primary customers which include sari-sari store owners, karinderyas, canteens, catering, bulk buyers, wholesalers and other resellers.
  • TNAP is an avenue of Puregold to fulfill its mission to provide products, services and business opportunities to every Filipino family.
  • It is a means to cultivate a strong sense of loyalty and belongingness among Puregold customers.
  • TNAP is a helpful and innovative way to augment family income.
  • It provides free trainings, seminars; and annual Sari-Sari Store Convention, to further enrich entrepreneurial knowledge and spirit.
  • It bridges start-up businesses and resellers to micro-financing institutions.


Fulfilling a promise of partnership. Covering more areas through the sari-sari stores and resellers.
Enhancing the business, cultivating loyalty and trust.

Winning Customers.
Winning Jobs.
Winning Stakeholders.
Winning People.